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About Mesothelioma UK

Mesothelioma UK is a national charity dedicated to supporting everyone affected by mesothelioma, an asbestos-related cancer. They offer a comprehensive range of services and unwavering support throughout your journey.

Their Mission

  • Empowering Patients: They advocate for better treatment options, improved care, and a stronger patient voice. Their goal is to enhance patients' quality of life and empower them to live longer, fuller lives.
  • Preventing Future Cases: Public education and advocating for stricter regulations are at the forefront of their efforts. They work tirelessly to raise awareness of the dangers of asbestos exposure, aiming to create a future free from this preventable disease.

A Legacy of Growth and Support

Established in 2004, Mesothelioma UK has seen remarkable growth. From its beginnings as a local resource centre, it has become an independent Charitable Trust and a Charitable Incorporated Organisation.

Services provided

Specialist Nurses

Their network of dedicated Mesothelioma Clinical Nurse Specialists within hospitals across the UK provides vital support. They offer expert knowledge, connect patients with relevant clinical trials, and help you access treatment. Additionally, they work to effectively manage symptoms, leading to fewer unplanned hospital admissions and an improved overall quality of life.

Freephone Support Line

A dedicated helpline is available for patients, families, and anyone with questions or concerns. Trained staff can provide a listening ear, information, and emotional support.

Benefits Advisors

Their specialist advisors offer guidance on navigating the complex world of benefits associated with mesothelioma, ensuring people receive the financial support they deserve.
Travel Grants: Financial assistance is provided to help ease the burden of accessing crucial clinical trials, particularly for those who need to travel for specialized treatment.

Research Centre

A dedicated research centre at Sheffield University drives mesothelioma treatment and prevention advancements. Mesothelioma UK directly contributes to finding a cure for this disease by funding and collaborating on research initiatives.

Accredited Information Service

Reliable and up-to-date information vetted by the Patient Information Forum empowers people with knowledge. This allows them to make informed decisions about their healthcare and participate actively in their treatment plans.